Monday, November 17, 2008

There's nothing for me here so I will disappear,

There's nothing for me here so I will disappear,
Originally uploaded by sgs_1019

155/365 Room with a view

155/365 Room with a view
Originally uploaded by rattgrrrl


Online Generators

These are some of the favourite Photos I placed within a slideshow
View slideshow
Flicr Pics

IMG_5386 20081114 PAD
Originally uploaded by efroten



I've heard of Flickr in recent years and seen how it ahs fared next to other online image programs like Picasa, Photobucket etc. I have been aprehensive to get a new account in Flickr as I already use Picasa for the most part. However I realised I already do have an account because I used to use Yahoo Images until they shut down their product I believe cause they could not compete and asked if I wanted to transfer all my pictures to Flickr. 

When I explored Flickr through their sections I found some of the most beautiful photos that I otherwise never would have seen. It was an interesting format that they used through 2.0 where if I stumbled upon this website and I was unaware of what I wanted to do or find, Flickr provides the tag clouds and the calendar for what was popular that day and other interesting things. I really enjoyed the tag clouds as I have seen them in some video hosting websites before, mainly Veoh and Dailymotion where they display the tags that were popular that day in alphabetical order, whereas the most popular are bigger in size and vice versa. I found it very helpful and easy to find what I was looking for or at least give an idea of what to find when I was unsure. 
If you look at the top of the page you can see some photos I have found. 

The photo of the purple flower I found through the Interestingness area where I checked out their Calendar for the msot popular of the day.  I could not find a way to share it other than through the slideshow I made in a previous entry

I thought the ColrPckr mashup was incredibly cool, just by clickin on  a colour scheme you were provided with very rich photos. 

Using BigHuge Labs this is the slideshow I created
View slideshow

Most of the online generators I really liked, their format and how easy it is to use through the Web 2.0 intereactivity. However how it was displayed
that it is really easy to provide photos from Flickr from blogs, I suppose I did not find. I found it somewhat difficult and not as easy
as I would have liked, there were numerous photos I did find, but I could not link them directly by simply displaying the photo i would need to provide the actual link to the photo isntead of being able to embed them. That was the only frustrating aspect because I wanted to showcase what I found in an easy way. I would have hoped to have developed a way to make the photos more clear and concise and displayed
clean as opposed to jumbled up. Everytime I would try to upload an image through blogger or provide the website it would say i uploaded but failed to
show an image in my postings unlike other previous posts, so I was forced to create new posts with the photos directly from Flickr or creating a slideshow using the online generator. I'm sure there is an easier way to do it but clearly I could not figure out how to do it sadly enough. Other than the problem I indicated the process was fairly easy just embedding the images within the posts where the only thing I struggled upon.